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Archives: 2022

Understanding What’s Covered and What’s Not Covered with Life Insurance

Understanding What’s Covered and What’s Not Covered with Life Insurance

How Life Insurance Can Be Used Life insurance can be an estate planning tool, an investment vehicle, or simply a way to replace lost income in case of unexpected death. Some people purchase life insurance to establish an inheritance for their children or as a strategy to donate to a favorite charity. Unlike other types of insurance coverage, there are no restrictions on how death...

How to Stay Protected This Flu Season

How to Stay Protected This Flu Season

Influenza is commonly known as the flu. It is an infectious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. The two main types of flu viruses, A and B, spreading from person to person, are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics every year, as stated by CDC. Young children, older adults, and people with health conditions have a higher risk of serious complications from the flu. What Can...

Welcome to Parenthood: Here’s What You Should Know About Your Policy

Welcome to Parenthood: Here’s What You Should Know About Your Policy

Becoming a new parent is an exciting, challenging, and somewhat overwhelming experience. When your child is born, you are suddenly responsible for a whole new little person. Instantly, your top priority becomes caring for and protecting your child. Life insurance plays an important role in protecting your baby boy or girl. It is a way to ensure financial support should something unexpected happen to you....

3 Tips to Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-Being While Working Remotely

3 Tips to Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-Being While Working Remotely

Since COVID rampaged through the country, working from home has become the new normal. While working remotely comes with many advantages (such as working in your pajamas, stretched out on your bed, or relaxing on your sofa), it also comes with real-world drawbacks. Every person reacts differently to remote work, and many miss the interactions with their colleagues, many of whom have become friends. How...

Here’s Why You Should Buy Life Insurance for Your College Student

Here’s Why You Should Buy Life Insurance for Your College Student

A college student does not typically have children or debt, other than student loans. With no dependents who rely on them, why would you buy life insurance for a child in college? No one wants to consider the death of a child. However, should this tragedy occur in your family, if you have co-signed on any loans, it can become a problem. On the positive...